Thursday, January 20, 2011

No thunderstorms tonight?

Tonight, I hope to up date my doings. For the last couple of night thunderstorms have forced me to switch off because of the lightening.
We had a lot of rain through the night and a couple of roads were closed off again. One of our local shopping centres are, I think, preparing for another flood. They have been busy all day in bringing in loads of sandbags and placing them near all their doorways. I can't blame them after being flooded out twice in two weeks and there is a king tide tomorrow morning and our river is a tidal river and is still running very high after the floods.

I am back on track with my knitting. After the flood, the heat and sickness I am very much behind where I wanted to be but I have it all going now, the last part of pattern for the border is now sorted and I have begun knitting it. Keep your fingers crossed that the chart is correct now and I can proceed at a cracking pace.

Today was my shopping day. I was exhausted when I got home. The places were packed with people and of course everyone is shopping for school equipment for the kids to be back at school next week. I think every parking spot was filled. I know I saw many cars driving around and then out again, looking for a space to park.
I hate it when the shops get crowded as I get knocked around a bit and no-one takes any notice that I have a walker and will cut me off and then stop suddenly in front of me and if I should bump into them I get filthy looks or yells to watch where I am going. It can be trying and stressful. Never mind, all being well children will be back at school when I shop next, the little darlings.

Now back to the tennis and my knitting. No sound of thunder or lightening yet.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Life goes on.

The floods in Queensland are nearly finished and clean up has started.
We are all cleaned up here in Bundaberg from our second flood, it is good that it didn't come up as far as the first one. The businesses that had water in them again have cleaned up again and are now waiting for new stock to come through so they can open for business.
Food has started to arrive to re-stock the supermarkets. We had run out of bread and milk and there was very little let in veggies on the shelves but in a day or two it will all be back to normal.
Brisbane and Ipswich are cleaning up quickly thanks to the army of volunteers that turned up to help. A lot of houses and business places will have to be re-built and could take some time, the insurance companies are making it real hard for a lot of people. It depends on how the small print is defined in the policies and it also depends on which company the insurance is with. The government is already said that they are going to shake up the companies to make sure no one is out of pocket after paying their insurance for up to as much as twenty or thirty years and are told they get nothing.

It was Bundaberg Writers club on Saturday. It wasn't an official meeting, just an informal get together. We all sat around a big table and talked about writing. A couple read out a little of what they had written lately and we made comment, suggestions and gave our opinions. It was a pleasant morning and I think we all came away with some good thoughts.
One of the members is reading my novel at the moment. He hasn't finished it yet but says he likes it. I gave him chapter one of my new story to look at. It is only three pages and didn't take him long to read through it. He liked that as well and has encouraged me to finish it. He looks forward to reading that one as well. It has given me confidence to continue.

Now I must get on with my shawl. I was sick last week and in a bit of pain and didn't have the concentration to work on it so must catch up now.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More up dates

Here are a few more links.
Floods in our state are becoming worse. The capital, Brisbane, is vertually closed down with the power being shut off today for safety, and is at a standstill.
80 suburbs are alreay under water and more are effected.
Ipswich is also in a bad way and it is said that 2thirds of the city will be flooded by tonight.
Parts of NSW are flooded as the water creeps south.;_ylu=X3oDMTNlaW9pZ2p1BGEDMTEwMTExIG5ld3MgYXVzdHJhbGlhIHRzdW5hbWkgdARjcG9zAzEEZwNpZC02MDcxMQRpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBHBrZ3YDMTAEcG9zAzIEc2VjA3RkLWZlYXQEc2xrA3RpdGxlBHRlc3QDNzAx/SIG=12p87p6b3/EXP=1294841397/**

Floods up date.

The flood in Toowoomba has stopped for now but the water still gushes down the Lockyer valley and many places are under water there and more is to come.
In Brisbane, the water has risen rapidly. Evacuations are in place. 6500 homes are expected to be flooded by tonight with another 16,000 to be affected. This flood is worse than the great flood of 1974. Since then many flood mitigations were put in place but this is worse.
The Brisbane river is rising fast and all ferrys have been moved to safety and all ships in Brisbane port have been ordered out to sea because of the refuse floating down with the flood.
This has all been caused by what is called a super rain fall and rain is still falling, heavy in some places, as much as 10-12 inches over night.
The roads in Brisbane are cut and also Ipswich which is also flooding fast.
So far in the Toowoomba area there are 9 people dead and 59 are missing. It is expected that there could be more deaths before this is over.
The floods are also spreading into NSW and the weather man says that the rain is going to reach right down into Tasmania.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A series of links showing the floods in and around Quensland.

Up date.

There is more information from Toowoomba. The flood there is being called an inland tsunami.
8 people are confirmed dead and 72 are missing.
An emergency warning has just been sounded for the whole area as severe weather is expected within the next hour with more flooding expected.
A school is isolated with the children and teachers still there and also a child care centre. It is hoped that they will be rescued soon. The weather of rain and fog has stopped helicopters getting in at the moment.


This was Toowoomba yesterday lunch time. There are still many people missing.

From bad to worse.

At lunch time today a wall of water suddenly gushed through the garden city of Toowoomba. It washed away houses and vehicles, there was no warning and several people are missing, two are dead. This wall of water is now heading for other towns nearby, Gatton, Grantham, Helidon, Standthorpe and on towards the border with NSW. People have been told to flee. There are several people stranded on the roofs of their houses in Helidan and the helicopters are trying to reach them. One house has been swept of its stumps and is floating down the Lockyer river with people still clinging to the roof.
Even our state capital Brisbane,is starting to flood. There is no where left for people to go. The state is flooded now form Rockhampton in the north to the southern border. All roads are cut. Even my daughter is stranded in Brisbane. She took a team of young tenpin bowlers to Brisbane for a tournament and now they can't get home.
The river here in Bundaberg is rising again and roads here are closing. At the moment I am safe but we are under flood warnings again.
No-one knows when the rain is going to stop. Of shore, we have to watch a cyclone forming. That is all we need.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Not again!!!!

This afternoon we had a massive thunderstorm which dumped another 3 inches of rain on us and so have brought the flood waters up again and more rain is forecasted. The last road in Bundaberg had just been open an hour and it is now closed again. Our fingers are crossed.

In Rockhampton the Fitzroy river has peaked at 9.2 metres. It was predicted to peak at 9.4 and there was a sigh of relief, not that .2 metres sound very much difference but it meant that another 500 houses didn't go under the water. It will be at least 2 weeks before the river drops, that is if more rain doesn't fall in the catchment area and it will take months to clean up.

Bundaberg's clean up is going well, at least it was until this afternoons storm. Everywhere you go you can see sodden items out on the roadside waiting to be picked up for the rubbish dump. It is sad to see so much personal belongings ruined.
More SES volunteers are arriving to help, out own volunteers are exhausted from working since before Christmas so the ones arriving from interstate are very welcome and we thank them.

Our Premiers disaster fund now stands at $14million and still growing. It will be handled by the Red Cross to all those that have been affected by the floods. Other people are arranging the gathering of school supplies the the children. At the moment it is summer holidays so there are a couple of weeks for the schools to be cleaned up and re-furbished but a lot of parents had already bought their school books ready and now they are lost. It is not only for our area but the other towns and cities that are affected, 40 towns at the moment and more are flooding every day. Some one said today that it is possible that the whole of Queensland will be under floods before the end of the month, that is one massive amount, Queensland is the second largest state in Australia, our coastline alone is over 2000 kilometres.

Anna Bligh, our state Premier, has appointed the state senior Army Commander to handle the organising of repairing the flood damage. This worked well when Inasfail was wiped out in cyclone Charlie 4 years ago and with military operations, it took one year to put the town and farms back to order so I think it will work well this time.

I must go now as I haven't been very well this week and the medication I am on makes me very drowsy so I am going to bed early.
Night  night.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

And the new year starts.

The river is going down rapidily now but we are still having thunderstorms which we could well do with out.
Here are some photos taken by various people around town and placed on a web site.
I have looked at several of them as I was stuck where I live and unable to get out. It is terrible to see how the rest of my city were and how they are coping to start the job of cleaning.

I deided to do nothing today. I have spent it reading and a little doze here and there. Tomorrow I start to do a bit of cleaning in my unit and some washing and then I hope I get time to do some writing. I have neglected it the last couple of weeks as I had things to make for christmas but my story hasn't been far from my mind and I want to put it all down.
I must get on with some more of my knitting as well and get ready for the next craft market, if there is one, the PCYC where it is held is being used as a  community relief place at the moment for those who had to evacuate their properties.

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year to you all and I hope it is a good one for everyone.
I reached the grand age of 70 years today. It was a birthday there was some times I never thought that I would reach so, made it.
I had morning tea with my daughters which actually lasted to lunchtime. We sat and talked about all sorts of things and laughed about the past and eating all the sorts of bad food including a lovely chocolate cheese cake. I never did agree with diets anyway.
My eldest daughter gave me a gift voucher for Dymocks book store so I can go along and chose some new books. What a lovely thought. Her son, Matthew gave me a silver ring with a large Perot stone.  It is beautiful although he admitted that mum had bought it but he decided he should give it to me. Matthew is slightly autistic and 13 years old and we gave a great meeting of mind sometimes, my daughter says I am corrupting him, just because I encourage him to read Celtic Myths and lend him my books.
My younger daughter bought me some lovely bath goods and I am going to have a lovely bath and I am sure I will come out looking ten years younger. (I wish).

The floods are slowly receding although it is starting to smell badly now. Cleaning up is happening where the waters are well away, some places are going to take months to re-pair though and there is talk about that some trades won't make it trough this devastation, so many were just hanging in, waiting for a better time but they have had enough and can't manage anymore. I feel for them.
The farmers around here have lost everything. After 10 years of drought, it was good when we had the rain at the beginning of the year but just as they were about to harvest their first crop in years, the floods come and wipe everything out. It will be weeks before they can get onto their lands and start to plant again, that is if they have the money to buy the seeds.
We have been warned that food prices are going to go sky high and there will be a lot of shortages of fresh foods etc.
Ah well, let's hope we have a better year.