Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding.

I, like millions of other people around the world, last night watched the Royal Wedding and wasn't it great?
I lovely pageantry and as an ex Brit I love the way we can organise precisely a big occasion and they didn't get any bigger than this.
I loved the gown, it would the type I would chose if I had the money and of course, young enough. I love simple elegance, so many brides nowadays tend to go over the top with frills of beads and anything else they can think of thinking that more is better.
Yes, I enjoyed last night.

This morning I had to go for a breathe test to see what capacity my lungs have ready for surgery. The trouble was, this morning I woke up0 with a terrible sinus problem. For quite a while I coughed and sneezed and wheezed my way around but I seemed to cope well with the test, we shall see. I just have to wait now for my ultra sound appointment.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

E-Book on line.

At last the e-book for my novel 'The Celtic Fabler' is available on my web site,
 My web master worked hard on getting it up and I thank her, it was the first one she had ever done, when she did her computer corse at university e-books had not been invented.
I wanted it put up because postage is a killer now all over the world and makes things like books very expensive now for those who don't need an autographed copy can afford to buy it.
My local bookshop, Dymocks, have taken a few of my books to sell for me, the owner likes to suport local writers and I thank them also.
I plan to do a book signing at the PCYC craft martket on 8th May. I have had a site there for several years selling my craft work and patterns and have a lot of regular clients and friends and they have all been interested in my writing. I look forward to having a good day there.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trip to Brisbane.

Well I am back from Brisbane. I am exhausted and sore from travelling.
There were a few 'stuff ups'. First when I got to the place where the Bundaberg Hospital had told me they had booked a room for me over night didn't know a thing about me. They checked there booking and there was none for me. They were very good though, they had an empty room and welcomed me in.
They were an elderly Chinese couple and treated me like family and we were soon sat chatting over a coffee and having a good laugh.
The room they showed me to was excellent and I was soon in bed having a rest.
The next morning, I was off to the hospital to see the surgeon. I was advised by reception to have a wheel chair as it was a long walk to the department that I needed. I agreed and a lovely man named Stuart pushed me gayly along while we talked and laughed.
At the department, the receptionist asked me what time I had left home yesterday. I told her my train had left at 10.15 am.
"No wonder I couldn't reach you." she said.
"Why?" I asked.
"The surgeon has been called away."
"Oh, no."
"Don't worry," she said, "I have found another surgeon who is willing to see you but it won't be until this afternoon. When is you train due to leave?"
"At 5.00 pm but I also have to get from here to the station first and by bus that could take an hour."
She agreed to check with the surgeon and it was decided to put me in as soon as possible. I counted how much money I had left in my purse and decided that I would splurge out on a taxi. I knew it would cast a lot but it would be better than trying to catch several different buses and having to walk a distance between them. I told the receptionist this so that there would be time if the surgeon ran late.
I had my consultation and he agreed that my gall bladder should be removed as soon as possible following a couple of other tests.
As I got ready to leave the receptionist called me over.
"Mrs Lewis, we have arranged for your taxi and the hospital welfare is paying for it."
I was amazed. I was wheeled down to the taxi rank and everything was waiting for me. I had to sign a form and just get in the taxi. I was dropped at my station and all I had to do was wait for the train to arrive.
The train arrived back in Bundaberg at 9.30pm and by then I was tired out, went to bed a got a good nights sleep.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I am so pleased that my new novel has been well received. I was at Bundaberg Writers Club yesterday and I showed them my book and was asked a lot of questions of how and why I had done it. I sold one as well and a couple of others wish to buy one, it was very exciting for me, I feel more confidant now.
People in England that he been buying my patterns from my website are interested in buy my novel but the postage makes it very expensive so my web master is working on converting it into an e-book to down loaded to a reader. It is a new experience for both of us and we got together today to talk about design and how the page should look like and all the coding that needs to be put in. It should be available in a couple of days.

On Tuesday I am off to Brisbane for a consultation with a surgeon. I shall be staying over night in a motel and coming back on Wednesday an I hope that they will decide on surgery soon then I will be able to sit at the computer longer and get on with another story. At the moment I am in too much pain to sit too long and it is very frustrating, I so much want to get this other one finished so I can start to edit and get it ready fro the printer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Celtic Fabler.

At last my novel has arrived. I am so proud of it, it is like having a new baby, only without the labour pains.LOL.
My webmaster has put it up on my web page
so it is for sale around the world and I am so happy, I have sold one book already and another two are ordered.
I love the way my printer managed the cover, we talked a lot about how I wanted it done. Now I must finish my next one.